Accounting and Taxes for OnlyFans content creators

Being an OnlyFans content creator can be a lucrative business and one that is a fast-growing industry which leads to generating individuals a high level of income… but with earning income from OnlyFans will mean registering for taxes under HMRC.
Hiring a specialist OnlyFans accountant like Hawkins Accounting means you can spend more time on content creations and less time on the billing, accounts and tax compliance required by HMRC.

How and when to register with HMRC?
You will be required to register and declare your earnings either as a sole trader or under a limited company. Both have annual filing and payment deadlines all of which Hawkins Accounting will help to make sure you have filed on time and paid to avoid penalties.
For sole traders you need to register with HMRC no later than 5th October following the end of the tax year (5th April) So if you started trading in October 2023 your tax return will run to 5th April 2024 and the HMRC registration deadline is 5th October 2024.
The tax return and payment of tax liabilities (if applicable) will be 31st January following the end of the tax year, so in the example above the self-assessment tax return will be due for filing and payment no later than 31st January 2025.
For Limited companies, this is more complex as the company needs to be incorporated before you can trade through it. Timing is very important here and it will depend on your circumstances as to whether or not you become a limited company straight away or delay this and become a sole trader first.
With limited companies, the company accounts and any corporation tax are due 9 months after the company’s year end and the corporation tax return is due for filing with HMRC 12 months after the year end. We would recommend having a chat to discuss the limited company filing requirements and if this set up best suits your needs and gives you the best tax saving.
What expenses can I claim for? Just remember as a rule – the expense will be allowable if it’s for the purpose of the business.
Here’s are some common expenses content creators may incur:
Photography equipment
Beauty products and treatments
Gym membership
Telephone and internet
A claim for using the home as a work space
Office supplies
Accountancy fees
It is important to keep all receipts for at least 6 years after the year end and this can be digital or hard copies.
VAT registration
You may need to register for VAT if your annual turnover from OnlyFans exceeds the £90,000 VAT threshold and this will apply for individuals and companies.
Once you have reached this threshold, you will be required to register for VAT and file quarterly VAT returns and pay any VAT liability.
With OnlyFans creators, recording the sales and VAT is slightly different to other industries.
Once you are VAT registered, you are required to provide OnlyFans your VAT number under the bank section of your page and provide confirmation of the self billing agreement.
OnlyFans will carry out additional verification procedures before processing the VAT payments. In order to receive the payment, creators will need to email proof of their VAT filing to This will be checked to ensure the VAT element on OnlyFans earnings is being declared to HMRC. Once checked, it will be possible to raise VAT invoices.
How it works:
OnlyFans will add 20% VAT to your sales, so if you wish to charge £10 for the subscription there will be an extra £2 added so the subscriber will be charged £12.
From this amount OnlyFans will give you the 80% of the £10 which is your cut from the income received plus the 20% which is due to HMRC. So, you will receive £8 (subscription)+ £1.60 (vat). OnlyFans will be responsible for paying over the VAT associated with the 20% they keep as part of their commission.
OnlyFans will retain the VAT and pay this separately to you each month outside of your regular earnings once they have received a VAT only invoice. There will be a downloadable VAT statement supporting this amount which you can use to complete your VAT return and remit the VAT amount directly to HMRC.
If you are charged VAT on expenses, you can claim this as a deduction on your VAT return.
Not VAT registered?
You won’t lose out financially if you are VAT registered or not. If you are not VAT registered OnlyFans will still charge 20% on the subscription but instead of passing the VAT element onto you to file with HMRC, OnlyFans will pay the 20% VAT directly.
Tax planning?
At Hawkins Accounting we will review your tax position on a regular basis making sure you are compliant with HMRC for VAT and other taxes but also helping to minimise your taxes and increase your profits.
Some of the tax planning we offer:
Converting to a limited company
Pension planning opportunities
Maximising capital allowance claims
Claiming VAT on business expenses (if VAT registered)
Get in touch!
If you would like a friendly experienced accountant to support you through the accounting and tax complexities please give me, Lucy at Hawkins Accounting a call on 07719 328 343 or email and I will be happy to have a free no obligation chat.